Nostradamus, most famous for his 'Prophecies', lived more than 500 years ago. He was actually a French apothecary, a writer, a translator, and a seer, born on either December 14th or December 21st, 1503. Found dead on July 2, 1566, he had predicted it the night before, even calling for a priest to administer last rites. Famous for his predictions in his own time, and he has only become more so with the passage of time.
He wrote a book called The Prophecies. The book contains chapters called 'Centuries'. Each of the ten Centuries (except for VII) contains 100 'Quatrains', short, vague, 4 line verses many people believe predict the future. He wrote in a way that was deliberately obscure. He used a combination of languages mixed together, included anagrams in some of his Quatrains, and he claimed to have distorted the timing of his predictions in order to prevent being prosecuted as a magician. Some of the more well known predictions that have been attributed to Nostradamus have been about WWII, Kennedy's assassinations, and 911.
Why am I telling you this? Because I believe in 1991 I figured out the meaning of one of his Quatrains.
Now, this was before the commonplace use of personal computers. This was done the 'old fashioned' way, through reading books. But, however it's researched, it's always been about some catastrophic event, or some awesome crisis, where people turn to Nostradamus' Prophecies, pouring through the verses until they find a Quatrain that fits the present moment. It's always been after the fact. It's always been in retrospect we can see how he predicted a present day event some 500 years ago. And one question has always hung over the Prophecies: When will one of his predictions be recognized BEFORE the fact?
I think I answered that question in 1991. This particular Quatrain foretells the future outcome of current events. Events still unfolding. This Quatrain predicts the outcome BEFORE the fact.
Of course, then next question would be, why have I waited so long to mention it? The answer is, I'm not sure how to share it. I'm not sure how it would be received. Normally with the Nostradamus prophecies, people are researching events that have already taken place, so looking back in retrospect isn't going to upset any one's applecart. But when people believe things are one way, and you know their applecart isn't as safe and secure as they might think, telling them might upset them! No one would want to believe it. People might get frightened or angry.
But, what if I'm right? What if the outcome of certain current events has been predicted by Nostradamus? Is it fated to unfold that way? Can it be changed? Should it be changed? Should people be told? And what could or would change if people did know?
I've started a book about this. It's a small book, obviously, because it's mostly about this one Quatrain that predicts events before the fact, although I've included a few other Quatrains that became rather obvious after the fact. It's about how I figured this out. As with most puzzles though, it sort of smacks you right between the eyes when you see it for what it is.
I'd be really interested in any comments or thoughts on this.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas and Happy Hannukkah! Happy Holidays To ALL!

I am too a reindeer. Yes, I am.
My name...?
Uh... uhhh... oh yeah, I'm Frosty the Golden Antlered Snow Puppy....
Friday, December 12, 2008
Caylee Anthony
Yesterday the remains of a small child were found only 15 houses down the street from the Anthony home. They believe it's little Caylee. In my humble opinion, Casey Anthony has already proved that this is indeed her daughter Caylee, and has also proved that she's the one who placed her body in that spot.
How do I come to this conclusion? First, back when that small bag of little toys and what they thought might be little bones (which later proved to be pebbles) was found in the Little Econ River, those who observed Casey in the jail said that she watched this discovery on television, then turned and calmly walked back to her room. Unemotional. Unconcerned. Unaffected. People questioned how she could be so cold.
Last night it was reported on television that those who observed Casey in jail said she was so distraught over hearing about this discovery that she had to be medicated.
My question: How did Casey Anthony know before anyone else, which bag, which discovery, to become upset over and which to ignore? If she truly didn't know where her daughter was, wouldn't she have become just as upset during the first discovery? Wouldn't she have become just as hysterical thinking they'd found Caylee's remains then? But she didn't. She just calmly walked back to her room. She knew.
And she knew what had been found yesterday, which is why she was so upset that she needed to be medicated.
May the little girl now rest in peace.
Peace, love and light,
How do I come to this conclusion? First, back when that small bag of little toys and what they thought might be little bones (which later proved to be pebbles) was found in the Little Econ River, those who observed Casey in the jail said that she watched this discovery on television, then turned and calmly walked back to her room. Unemotional. Unconcerned. Unaffected. People questioned how she could be so cold.
Last night it was reported on television that those who observed Casey in jail said she was so distraught over hearing about this discovery that she had to be medicated.
My question: How did Casey Anthony know before anyone else, which bag, which discovery, to become upset over and which to ignore? If she truly didn't know where her daughter was, wouldn't she have become just as upset during the first discovery? Wouldn't she have become just as hysterical thinking they'd found Caylee's remains then? But she didn't. She just calmly walked back to her room. She knew.
And she knew what had been found yesterday, which is why she was so upset that she needed to be medicated.
May the little girl now rest in peace.
Peace, love and light,
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Create A Snowflake
Hi guys.
I know I haven't been on since last month's show, but it's been a bit hectic around here.
The show this month went very well, and very long. It lasted 2 hours and 15 minutes! Hope you enjoy listening to it.
Today I'd like to share a website that I've become addicted to, since yesterday. It's great fun, interesting, and almost impossible to stop. Do you like the idea of creating your very own snowflakes? Here's where you can do that very thing!

Have fun.
Where ever you are, what ever you feel, may your angels watch over you always.
Peace, love and light,
I know I haven't been on since last month's show, but it's been a bit hectic around here.
The show this month went very well, and very long. It lasted 2 hours and 15 minutes! Hope you enjoy listening to it.
Today I'd like to share a website that I've become addicted to, since yesterday. It's great fun, interesting, and almost impossible to stop. Do you like the idea of creating your very own snowflakes? Here's where you can do that very thing!
Have fun.
Where ever you are, what ever you feel, may your angels watch over you always.
Peace, love and light,
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Not Together, Not Alone
Last night's show was interesting, in that there was reading that was a bit of a mystery. A little boy came through with a very distinctive hair style, and an older woman came in also. They came for the same woman, but they made it clear that they weren't together. They also made it clear that they weren't alone. Mysterious, yes?
Well, it was solved in the very next reading. Turns out the boy was still with us, but the woman was on the other side, hence, they were not together. I realized that she was showing me the little boy to as a way of letting us know she's watching over him. They weren't together, as one was alive and one was not, but they weren't alone. I found this intriguing.
Peace, love and light,
Well, it was solved in the very next reading. Turns out the boy was still with us, but the woman was on the other side, hence, they were not together. I realized that she was showing me the little boy to as a way of letting us know she's watching over him. They weren't together, as one was alive and one was not, but they weren't alone. I found this intriguing.
Peace, love and light,
Friday, October 17, 2008
What do you do when someone from the other side comes to you, but you have no one to tell? Case in point.
I have been visited by a little girl, 3 years old, whom I believe is on the other side. Sometimes I see the living remotely, but this little girl feels like she's from the other side. The living consider her to be 'missing'. She shows me a place where I think she's buried. It's simply a water logged, wooded area near a broken tree. I can see that where the tree was broken, in the trunk there are still some dagger like points of wood sticking up. Laying on the ground nearby is the broken off part of the tree. I'm not sure if I'm seeing it from my height or the child's height but if it's my height, then I think the broken trunk part is about 2-3 feet high.
I realized if I stepped away from that spot, diagonally a couple of steps, I could see some sort of structure rising in the distance. That confuses me, because I'm not sure what it is. It seems to be square, made of metal bars that rise up from the ground and cross over from 'leg' to 'leg'. It reminds me a little bit of a high tension wire tower, but with less criss-crossing of metal bars, and more square instead of triangular like the tower. Unless I'm seeing just the footers of the high tension towers, from a child's viewpoint, and nothing above those first metal legs and cross bars.
The little girl came to me wearing a little baseball cap. I don't know if that means she crossed over with it on, or she just liked wearing it. She wasn't crying or upset, nor did she seem upset with those family members still here. She appeared serious, showing me this spot where I felt like she was buried. She had a woman behind her who claimed grandmother, or great grandmother relations, was thin, had short, white hair, and a nice smile. I don't believe they had met in life.
So, what does one do with information like this?
Peace, love and light,
PS - Update: I've been asked a few times if I know the name of this little girl. My answer is that I believe she is Caylee Anthony, missing in Orlando, FL.
I have been visited by a little girl, 3 years old, whom I believe is on the other side. Sometimes I see the living remotely, but this little girl feels like she's from the other side. The living consider her to be 'missing'. She shows me a place where I think she's buried. It's simply a water logged, wooded area near a broken tree. I can see that where the tree was broken, in the trunk there are still some dagger like points of wood sticking up. Laying on the ground nearby is the broken off part of the tree. I'm not sure if I'm seeing it from my height or the child's height but if it's my height, then I think the broken trunk part is about 2-3 feet high.
I realized if I stepped away from that spot, diagonally a couple of steps, I could see some sort of structure rising in the distance. That confuses me, because I'm not sure what it is. It seems to be square, made of metal bars that rise up from the ground and cross over from 'leg' to 'leg'. It reminds me a little bit of a high tension wire tower, but with less criss-crossing of metal bars, and more square instead of triangular like the tower. Unless I'm seeing just the footers of the high tension towers, from a child's viewpoint, and nothing above those first metal legs and cross bars.
The little girl came to me wearing a little baseball cap. I don't know if that means she crossed over with it on, or she just liked wearing it. She wasn't crying or upset, nor did she seem upset with those family members still here. She appeared serious, showing me this spot where I felt like she was buried. She had a woman behind her who claimed grandmother, or great grandmother relations, was thin, had short, white hair, and a nice smile. I don't believe they had met in life.
So, what does one do with information like this?
Peace, love and light,
PS - Update: I've been asked a few times if I know the name of this little girl. My answer is that I believe she is Caylee Anthony, missing in Orlando, FL.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
To my surprise, not everything in this blog will be about talking to the other side, apparently. Sometimes it will be about other experiences I have endured, like this past week. I had to have a tooth pulled.
Can someone please explain to me WHY, OH, WHY can we put a man on the moon, yet we are still medievally barbaric when it comes to pulling out a tooth?
I had a tooth that had had a root canal and a crown, yet it continued to be sensitive. The dentist(s) who performed said procedures assured me that a tooth can stay sensitive for a while afterward, I'd just have to wait. Fine, I waited. Until it became infected and I had to do a round of antibiotics. It was looked at and nothing was found to be wrong. I waited again. Until it became infected again. Another round of antibiotics. Another exam. Another pronouncement of nothing wrong. And so on. For two years. It was nearing the point of being on antibiotics daily to keep the infection from spreading.
Now, realize each exam, prescription, exam, etc., cost money. My choice became have it out, or 'go in and see what is going on'. Exploratory surgery as it were, on a tooth. The cost of which was close to what it would cost to purchase a small country. I opted to have it out.
Having had a string of consistently BAD dental experiences, I am now at the point where I need to take Valium before anything is done. They had me wait until I'd signed the paperwork, so I wouldn't be impaired during signing. Fine. I signed, swallowed the pill and climbed into the chair to get the numbing injections that hurt like heck. Then comes the new age tech-NOT-logy part.
The dentist takes a shiny little shovel like instrument and proceeds to SHOVE it up in between my gum and the tooth, once or twice on all four sides of the tooth, in order to loosen it. He then took a shiny little pliers looking thing, grabbed a hold of my tooth and started pulling, wiggling, yanking, and tugging. HARD! He and the dental assistant both kept reassuring me that I was doing well as I arched up out of the chair and tried to find enough traction on the smooth leather seat to kick one of them in the head. I also tried to say something intelligent, like 'F$%@ YOU!', but with the shiny little pliers in my mouth and the haze of pain, I could only moan pitifully.
It would have been over at that point, but the tooth then broke, leaving all 3 roots still embedded in my head. Sir DDS (he might have downed a crock of Beowulf's mead at this point, not sure, I could have been hallucinating that part) then did the same new-age, shovel-shoving, tooth loosening technique on each of the 3 roots, grabbed each one and maliciously yanked each out, ALL of which, I swear, were conected to my EYEBALL and BRAINSTEM. I know there was 'gray matter' on the end of one root.
It's amazing, is it not, that a society so tooth technology stunted can continue to advance so rapidly in other areas?
Peace, love and light,
Can someone please explain to me WHY, OH, WHY can we put a man on the moon, yet we are still medievally barbaric when it comes to pulling out a tooth?
I had a tooth that had had a root canal and a crown, yet it continued to be sensitive. The dentist(s) who performed said procedures assured me that a tooth can stay sensitive for a while afterward, I'd just have to wait. Fine, I waited. Until it became infected and I had to do a round of antibiotics. It was looked at and nothing was found to be wrong. I waited again. Until it became infected again. Another round of antibiotics. Another exam. Another pronouncement of nothing wrong. And so on. For two years. It was nearing the point of being on antibiotics daily to keep the infection from spreading.
Now, realize each exam, prescription, exam, etc., cost money. My choice became have it out, or 'go in and see what is going on'. Exploratory surgery as it were, on a tooth. The cost of which was close to what it would cost to purchase a small country. I opted to have it out.
Having had a string of consistently BAD dental experiences, I am now at the point where I need to take Valium before anything is done. They had me wait until I'd signed the paperwork, so I wouldn't be impaired during signing. Fine. I signed, swallowed the pill and climbed into the chair to get the numbing injections that hurt like heck. Then comes the new age tech-NOT-logy part.
The dentist takes a shiny little shovel like instrument and proceeds to SHOVE it up in between my gum and the tooth, once or twice on all four sides of the tooth, in order to loosen it. He then took a shiny little pliers looking thing, grabbed a hold of my tooth and started pulling, wiggling, yanking, and tugging. HARD! He and the dental assistant both kept reassuring me that I was doing well as I arched up out of the chair and tried to find enough traction on the smooth leather seat to kick one of them in the head. I also tried to say something intelligent, like 'F$%@ YOU!', but with the shiny little pliers in my mouth and the haze of pain, I could only moan pitifully.
It would have been over at that point, but the tooth then broke, leaving all 3 roots still embedded in my head. Sir DDS (he might have downed a crock of Beowulf's mead at this point, not sure, I could have been hallucinating that part) then did the same new-age, shovel-shoving, tooth loosening technique on each of the 3 roots, grabbed each one and maliciously yanked each out, ALL of which, I swear, were conected to my EYEBALL and BRAINSTEM. I know there was 'gray matter' on the end of one root.
It's amazing, is it not, that a society so tooth technology stunted can continue to advance so rapidly in other areas?
Peace, love and light,
Monday, October 13, 2008
In Memory Of Carl 'AskCarl' Weisbrod
Sadly, we paid final tribute to one of our own Sunday night. By 'one of our own', I mean as in talk show hosts. Carl, known on the talk show circuit as 'AskCarl' did a number of shows, and is best known for his ShoeString E-Commerce, which was his most active. His amazing website, chock full of information of all types, was the WDS Library.
He was smart, compassionate, funny, kind, sharing, and a seeker of knowledge. He knew so much stuff that it was mind boggling, and yet, he managed to ask more information of everyone he knew. I listened to those who paid tribute to him on Patti Serano's show last night, and each person had an example of how Carl was asking them for advice, or opinions, or information. He made each person feel special and important in some way. That takes a special person, and people that special should be important to each of us. There was never a talk show room that I entered, if he was there, that I didn't type in a narrative where I "roller-skated into him while holding a PB&J, knocking him into the corner". He'd always type back that he was "*sobbing". He's one of the few that didn't get annoyed by my redundancy, bless his soul.
He used to question me about what I did on my show, TOSS, because, he said in his mind, it was close to what he did as a psycho-therapist. He said it usually took a long time to discover things about people through therapy, and he was intrigued at what he called my 'leaps of intuition pinpointing what was happening with these folks'. He was also the first person, that I'm aware of, who died after having been involved with my show and what I do.
I didn't find out he'd died until more than a month after the fact. It shocked me and I took it harder than I would have expected. A couple days later though, I started looking around, I thought he might... you know... pop in to say, 'Hiya, LaSal', they way he used to in talkshoe rooms. If he did, I didn't see him.
A lot of people are going to miss him. God speed, Carl.
Peace, love and light,
He was smart, compassionate, funny, kind, sharing, and a seeker of knowledge. He knew so much stuff that it was mind boggling, and yet, he managed to ask more information of everyone he knew. I listened to those who paid tribute to him on Patti Serano's show last night, and each person had an example of how Carl was asking them for advice, or opinions, or information. He made each person feel special and important in some way. That takes a special person, and people that special should be important to each of us. There was never a talk show room that I entered, if he was there, that I didn't type in a narrative where I "roller-skated into him while holding a PB&J, knocking him into the corner". He'd always type back that he was "*sobbing". He's one of the few that didn't get annoyed by my redundancy, bless his soul.
He used to question me about what I did on my show, TOSS, because, he said in his mind, it was close to what he did as a psycho-therapist. He said it usually took a long time to discover things about people through therapy, and he was intrigued at what he called my 'leaps of intuition pinpointing what was happening with these folks'. He was also the first person, that I'm aware of, who died after having been involved with my show and what I do.
I didn't find out he'd died until more than a month after the fact. It shocked me and I took it harder than I would have expected. A couple days later though, I started looking around, I thought he might... you know... pop in to say, 'Hiya, LaSal', they way he used to in talkshoe rooms. If he did, I didn't see him.
A lot of people are going to miss him. God speed, Carl.
Peace, love and light,
Thursday, October 9, 2008
After The October Show
Hi Guys.
Welcome to the blogspot for The Other Side Speaks.
Since the show is only airing once a month now, I've decided to add in a blog. It's a way to learn what happens after the show, and between shows.
On the last show, October 1st, there was a reading for a woman involving a house and a driveway to the right with blue flowers located there. There was also a wooden chair up against a wall rather than at a table which she recognized as being in someone else's home. The person for whom this reading was apparently intended sent an email after the show explaining everything; it wasn't actually the woman who had the reading. The person is very private, and respecting that, I wouldn't post any details here, other than to say, 'Thank you for the email'.
Another woman had a reading which included a toy that turned, or went around, like a merry-go-round, but she couldn't figure out what it was. She spoke to relative after the show, and found out, it was, indeed, a toy merry-go-round. Hopefully she will be back on the November 5th show to talk about it.
That's an example of some of what goes on after the show. There are a lot of emails, and I can't always get to them all, but I'll keep trying. Please remember, if you've emailed me for a reading, and I don't get back to you, COME TO THE SHOW!
The show airs the first Wednesday of every month, at 7PM eastern time. All the info is on the talkshoe site, and on my website. You can listen to any of the past shows there, and/or download them directly from iTunes.
'The Other Side Speaks' on
Peace, love and light,
Welcome to the blogspot for The Other Side Speaks.
Since the show is only airing once a month now, I've decided to add in a blog. It's a way to learn what happens after the show, and between shows.
On the last show, October 1st, there was a reading for a woman involving a house and a driveway to the right with blue flowers located there. There was also a wooden chair up against a wall rather than at a table which she recognized as being in someone else's home. The person for whom this reading was apparently intended sent an email after the show explaining everything; it wasn't actually the woman who had the reading. The person is very private, and respecting that, I wouldn't post any details here, other than to say, 'Thank you for the email'.
Another woman had a reading which included a toy that turned, or went around, like a merry-go-round, but she couldn't figure out what it was. She spoke to relative after the show, and found out, it was, indeed, a toy merry-go-round. Hopefully she will be back on the November 5th show to talk about it.
That's an example of some of what goes on after the show. There are a lot of emails, and I can't always get to them all, but I'll keep trying. Please remember, if you've emailed me for a reading, and I don't get back to you, COME TO THE SHOW!
The show airs the first Wednesday of every month, at 7PM eastern time. All the info is on the talkshoe site, and on my website. You can listen to any of the past shows there, and/or download them directly from iTunes.
'The Other Side Speaks' on
Peace, love and light,
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