Last year, at the very end of the year, one of my blog entries was about
Nostradamus and the solution to an anagram. It was more about wondering what to do with the information, than the actual solution. I decided to forgo putting the 'Nostradamus Quatrain Anagram Solution' in the book (which will take a long time given how much writing has been going on it lately) and instead, post it here. Exciting, eh?
Here goes.
Nostradamus: Century X, Quatrain 96
Religion du nom des mers vaincra,
Contre la secte fils Adaluncatif,
Secte obstinee deploree craindra,
Des deux blessex par Aleph & Aleph
The traditionally believed translation is:
The Religion of the name of the seas will overcome,
Against the sect of the son of Adaluncatif,
The obstinate lamented sect will fear
The two wounded by Aleph & Aleph.
I'm not exactly agreeing with the translation of the last two lines. It seems to read more like:
The sect obstinate, regretably, will fear
From the two, a wound, by Aleph & Aleph.
It's easy to play with the translation and twist it and make it sound they way you want, however, that's not what I'm writing about. I'm writing about the first two lines. The religion of the name of the seas, and the sect of son of Adaluncatif. And I won't play with the translations.
Starting with the first line, what if.....
In the 12th century B.C. the Philistines settled on the coast of Palestine. They were known as the 'Sea Peoples' and occupied the five cities of Gaza, Ashkelon, Ashdod, Ekron, and Gath along the coastal strip of southwestern Canaan. They were considered pagans by the Jews, Christians, and Muslims because their religion held to a doctrine of or belief in more than one god or many gods. Today it's believed that the Palestinians are the descendants of the Philistines, the Sea People. If that's true, then the first line of this quatrain, 'The Religion of the name of the seas...' would mean the Palestinians.
Now for the second line. Sect of the son of Adaluncatif. Some people who deal with the quatrains have thought it might be a Muslim name. But, what if....
Adaluncatif is an anagram for two words put together. What if Adaluncatif is an anagram for Adullam Caitiff?
Adullam was a city of the Cananites in the Valley of Elah, not far from Gath. The Cave of Adullam was the resort of David when an outlaw. There "every one that was in distress, and every one that was in debt, and every one that was discontented, gathered themselves unto him."
Caitiff means a captive, a prisoner, or a contemptible knave. A knave is 1) a lad or servant, 2) a rogue or rascal, and 3) one of the court cards, just below the Queen, but above the 10. This is a perfect description of David. 1) He was considered a vassal when he was given protection from Saul by the Philistine King, Achish of Gath. 2) He was considered an outlaw and hunted by Saul who desperately wanted him as his captive, or prisoner. Those who surrounded him and helped him considered him a rogue and a rascal and admired him for eluding capture as he did. 3) He was indeed part of the Court and eventually became not just a knave, but the King. David, the Adullam Caitiff, was also the one who started the Jewish Kingdom. His son was Solomon, the last King to rule the whole of Israel before it split into the northern and southern kingdoms. If the 'Sect of the son of Adaluncatif' is really the 'Sect of the son of the Adullam Caitiff' it would mean 'Sect of Solomon', or, simply put, Israel.
What if we re-read the first two lines of this quatrain with these solutions. It would read:
The Palestinians will overcome,
Against Israel.
Interesting, isn't it? Was does it mean? Is there a way to prevent the 'wound' mentioned in the last two lines of this quatrain? Isn't there a way to change the 'fear' and 'regret' mentioned in those lines to 'love'?
Some of the questions from the first Nostradamus blog were 'Is it fated to unfold that way? Can it be changed? Should it be changed? Should people be told? And what could or would change if people did know?'
Now you know. What will change?
Peace, love and light,