Saturday, December 26, 2009
Now comes the new year, and the promises, the resolutions, the new beginnings, and scrambling to get tax returns done. It's still a mystery as to how April 15th can come so fast after New Year's Day, but it certainly does.
My wish for this year, 2010, is that the very best possible things happen for everyone.
Happy New Year!
Peace, love and light,
Friday, October 9, 2009
How Stupid Are You?
I had to go to the county office to pay for something (big surprise, the county wanting money). I've been there before. Many times. Never a problem. Today, I walk up to the doors and nothing happens. I see the sign says 'Automatic Door' so I step back and wait. Nothing. I wave my hand in front of door, hoping to activate whatever electronic eye might be watching. Nothing. Step to the left. Step to the right. Nothing. I tentatively push on the door. Nothing. I give both doors a good shove. Nothing. I'm ready to leave, frustrated, when I see a man walk up ready to go inside. I tell him, in my highly indignant voice, "I think they're closed!"
"Isn't today Friday?" Says he.
"It is!" Says I, still indignant.
"Then they should be open." Explains he, patiently.
"Exactly what I thought!" Says I, growing painfully annoyed now. "But the doors aren't opening!"
"What do you mean?" He asks, looking slightly concerned now.
"I mean, they don't move!" I prove my point by waving my hands in front of doors again.
At this point a group of people try to come out the doors. They can't because I'm standing in the way of said doors. I back up a step, mostly because of they way they're looking at me through the glass. They push and the doors swing open a bit. I back up another step, they push the doors open all the way, give me the "Look out, Stupid!" look, and out they walk. I look over at the guy, and he has that 'Oh my, aren't you incredibly stupid' look on his face as the doors swing shut again.
"I thought they were automatic doors," I protest in my defense.
"No, no. We use the handles." He punctuated his point by grabbing one of the handles. Great big, obvious, in front of my face, normal door handles. " It's only automatic when the guard presses that button, " he explained. Slowly. So stupid people could understand. He pointed to the button, as if to prove to my slow witted mind such a thing existed. A big, gigantic, hand sized button with the words 'Automatic Door Button' written on it. Next to the guards desk. "See?"
I looked from him to the button and back at him. "It's for people who can't open the door themselves," he explained further. And in a way that made it clear that he fully expected me to be able to open the door using the handles. Quickly, he tugged the doors open again, let me in, then hurried away. I started down the hall, marveling at my own absentminded stupidity, when I noticed the guard. Staring at me. With that same look.
Peace, love and light,
Monday, September 14, 2009
Sights From A Drive Through St. Augustine, FL.
Horse and carriage rides.

St. Augustine lighthouse.

St. Augustine Alligator Farm.

This house on the beach is completely round. No corners! Safer during hurricanes.



Bridge with a net over the top. IDKY.
Peace, love and light,
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Trapped In A Straight Jacket!! Or Is He....???

Congratulations, David!!
Of course, this amazing feat of magical dexterity was not without danger. David suffered as he was rubbed raw, his skin was stripped from parts of his body and began to bleed as he struggled to escape those thick, rough, heavy straight jackets.

His lovely wife, Jamieleigh, stood by his side, repeatedly strapping him in, keeping perfect tally of each escape, and handing him drinks when needed. One of his managers, who's name I believe was Stephan, also helped strap him into those jackets, as well as bringing him water and replenishing drinks. The Ormond Beach Fire and Rescue were there as well, keeping a watchful eye as David started to suffer from heat exhaustion and nearly passed out!
Mayor Fred Costello came to the event and placed the final straight jacket on David at around 5PM, after 8 hrs, and then officially congratulated David on his New World Record Title.
The paparazzi were out in full force, too!
Thanks for a great, wonderful and entertaining show as you became a World Record Holder, Mr. David DaVinci!
If you're going to be in the Ormond Beach, Florida area on Sept 5th or 6th, grab some tickets to his awesome show!
Enigama, at the Ormond Beach Performing Arts Center
Sept 5, 2009 - 7PM
Sept 6, 2009 - 3PM
$15 Kids - $20 Adults
Tickets (386) 676-3375
Peace, love and magical light!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Interesting Sights
A nifty nest, probably built by Carolina wrens, tucked into a flowerpot....

Can you see it....?

A butterfly fluttered by and landed on a flower....

Why aren't they called 'flutterby's'?
A panther lounging on on a jungle path....

(Actually, she posed for the picture!)
Thanks for stopping by...
Peace, love and light,
Monday, August 17, 2009
Fishy Fotos

Seriously, he just taps the water and they try to climb his arm and kiss him.

And who is silently watching this whole fishy scenario.....?

Peace, love and light,
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
How Can You Want For Something You Have?
And there-in lies the rub. If you want something, or you are thinking how you are going to get something, then you don't have it. If you don't have it, but you want it, and you keep on wanting it, you still won't have it. The longer you want it, the longer you won't have it. Seriously, it's almost too simple. If you have something, do you still want to get it? Of course not! If you have it, you have it. You don't long for something, or want to get something if you already have that something. How can you want to get what you already have?
And maybe that's the answer. According to the latest scientific research in quantum physics, everything already exists. It exists as waves of possibility all around us. At some point, consciousness seems to collapse those waves into particles of reality. That means everything is already there. We already have everything.
If everything already exists, so does wanting something exist. If your consciousness focuses on wanting something, instead of appreciating the having that something, then you're manifesting the want while keeping away the something.
Emotions seem to play a part as well. Longing, wanting, gratitude, appreciate, sadness, fear, joy, contentment, awe, happiness.... they all play a part in manifesting those waves of possibility into the reality we experience. Science seems to be in the kindergarten stage of understanding this, but it does look like we are all poised on the brink of another paradigm shift. Time to get our toes wet.
So, knowing you already have it, what do you want?
Yes, it's a trick question. ;D
Peace, love and light,
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Archangel And The Miracle Of The Fish
Recently one of the koi did an out of the pond jump and Archangel found it just as it was weakly gasping it's last gasp. This fish had obviously been there for more than few moments; it already had flies landing all over it. Archangel scooped it up and put it back in the water where it instantly went belly up. Not being one to give up, Archangel proceeded to turn it upright, then stayed with that fish for about two hours. He held it under it's belly and helped it swim back and forth. He massaged it's little chest to help what might be some sort of lung function. He held it by it's tail and pulled and pushed it through the water, forcing water through it's gills. He kept righting it as it would keel to one side, and after about an hour, the fish started swimming on it's own. Weakly, but swimming around. Archangel stayed there, still monitoring, still giving occasional belly rubs, and slowly the fish started swimming better and better. It started swimming down a bit deeper in to the middle of the pond and across the other side. Archangel slapped the water a few times and this fish came back over to him for more belly rubs. Yeah, I know. Hard to believe, but true. Finally it nestled down beside the filter where the water would be constantly flowing around it; it seemed tired, but it seemed to be doing OK. Archangel, exhausted from leaning over this pond nursing a fish for two hours, went into the house and fell asleep for the night.
First thing in the morning Archangel went to check on this fish. It was swimming with the other fish, acting normal, and eating. It was fine, still is fine, and has no ill effects from it's closer than close brush with certain death. Unbelievable. Really, it's a miracle it survived. Thanks to Archangel.

Peace, love and light,
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Nostradamus Quatrain Anagram Solution
Here goes.
Nostradamus: Century X, Quatrain 96
Religion du nom des mers vaincra,
Contre la secte fils Adaluncatif,
Secte obstinee deploree craindra,
Des deux blessex par Aleph & Aleph
The traditionally believed translation is:
The Religion of the name of the seas will overcome,
Against the sect of the son of Adaluncatif,
The obstinate lamented sect will fear
The two wounded by Aleph & Aleph.
I'm not exactly agreeing with the translation of the last two lines. It seems to read more like:
The sect obstinate, regretably, will fear
From the two, a wound, by Aleph & Aleph.
It's easy to play with the translation and twist it and make it sound they way you want, however, that's not what I'm writing about. I'm writing about the first two lines. The religion of the name of the seas, and the sect of son of Adaluncatif. And I won't play with the translations.
Starting with the first line, what if.....
In the 12th century B.C. the Philistines settled on the coast of Palestine. They were known as the 'Sea Peoples' and occupied the five cities of Gaza, Ashkelon, Ashdod, Ekron, and Gath along the coastal strip of southwestern Canaan. They were considered pagans by the Jews, Christians, and Muslims because their religion held to a doctrine of or belief in more than one god or many gods. Today it's believed that the Palestinians are the descendants of the Philistines, the Sea People. If that's true, then the first line of this quatrain, 'The Religion of the name of the seas...' would mean the Palestinians.
Now for the second line. Sect of the son of Adaluncatif. Some people who deal with the quatrains have thought it might be a Muslim name. But, what if....
Adaluncatif is an anagram for two words put together. What if Adaluncatif is an anagram for Adullam Caitiff?
Adullam was a city of the Cananites in the Valley of Elah, not far from Gath. The Cave of Adullam was the resort of David when an outlaw. There "every one that was in distress, and every one that was in debt, and every one that was discontented, gathered themselves unto him."
Caitiff means a captive, a prisoner, or a contemptible knave. A knave is 1) a lad or servant, 2) a rogue or rascal, and 3) one of the court cards, just below the Queen, but above the 10. This is a perfect description of David. 1) He was considered a vassal when he was given protection from Saul by the Philistine King, Achish of Gath. 2) He was considered an outlaw and hunted by Saul who desperately wanted him as his captive, or prisoner. Those who surrounded him and helped him considered him a rogue and a rascal and admired him for eluding capture as he did. 3) He was indeed part of the Court and eventually became not just a knave, but the King. David, the Adullam Caitiff, was also the one who started the Jewish Kingdom. His son was Solomon, the last King to rule the whole of Israel before it split into the northern and southern kingdoms. If the 'Sect of the son of Adaluncatif' is really the 'Sect of the son of the Adullam Caitiff' it would mean 'Sect of Solomon', or, simply put, Israel.
What if we re-read the first two lines of this quatrain with these solutions. It would read:
The Palestinians will overcome,
Against Israel.
Interesting, isn't it? Was does it mean? Is there a way to prevent the 'wound' mentioned in the last two lines of this quatrain? Isn't there a way to change the 'fear' and 'regret' mentioned in those lines to 'love'?
Some of the questions from the first Nostradamus blog were 'Is it fated to unfold that way? Can it be changed? Should it be changed? Should people be told? And what could or would change if people did know?'
Now you know. What will change?
Peace, love and light,
Friday, May 22, 2009
Daytona International Aquatic Speedway

The Floods
There's wide spread flooding in the streets, lawns, and into homes. The sewer system can't handle the water so it's bubbling raw sewage up into the flood water. Snakes are swimming through populated areas looking for dry ground. Ants are swarming onto any and everything to find dry ground. God only knows what's in the water in the more rural areas.
It's scary to see the kids out playing in this water, as if they're at the beach. This is SO not beach water. It's scary to see cars trying to pass through flooded streets, not knowing if the street is still intact below the water. And if the water gets into the car engine...?
It's scary to see the water creeping towards your home, up over the step, slowly edging towards the door as it reaches for your possessions. On TV they say don't flush toilets! Don't wash clothes! Don't let the water run at all if it's not completely necessary! We're under a boil water alert; boil the water for 3 minutes before consuming!
We've put seed in the feeders for the poor, wet, bedraggled looking birds, some with babies in tow. Even they look tired of all the rain. The babies look somewhat shocked, as if they're wondering if they've hatched on the wrong planet. I watched my dog, confused and worried, as she tried to find a place where the water was low enough for her to squat and do her business. I watched my cat find a high patch of ground for her business, then leap from small puddle over large spans of deep water, only to splash land in more water. She let out some pitiful meows as she got soaked getting back into the house. I can't even imagine what the raccoons, possums, and other ground borrowing critters are doing to survive.
We're all scrambling to stay above water.
A street by a friends home.

The street front of another friends home.

The roads...

And it's still raining....
Saturday, May 9, 2009
A Side Of Mashed Potatoes
It seemed at times that I was getting things in reverse. Why, I don't know, but since Mercury was in retrograde at the time of the show, I'm blaming it on that!
At any rate, as the show progressed, the pace picked up and readings started coming faster and easier, like they do normally, and they were very interesting. Hope you enjoy the show! Let me know what you think.
A Side Of Mashed Potatoes
Peace, love and light
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Susan Boyle, et al.
A makeover? Excuse me, why? She's a world wide phenomenon already! NOW you want to make her over? After the fact? Isn't that the old 'lock the barn doors after the horse escapes' mentality? If you hadn't noticed, she's ADORABLE! She's got a personality to match, ADORABLE! And she's got a voice to blow other singers out of her league, makeovers notwithstanding.
It's funny, since she didn't become famous using phony hair, eyelids, cheeks, teeth, lips, chin, boobs, nails, and a lipo'ed ass, everyone is all confused and wondering if we should get her some of those things now. Have plastic surgery alterations to our faces and bodies become such the norm that people in this country forgot what a naturally formed human female looks like? Take another look people, she's actually cute!
I hope and pray that she's not bullied, or pressured into feeling that she should do anything to change her appearance. Perhaps, all by her amazing self, she can change the standard of beauty in this country to something more natural. We've already seen the pendulum swing from prepackaged, crap laden, over processed foods to actual, real, unadulterated food. Here's hoping that Susan Boyle can swing the pendulum from adoration of plasticized women to appreciation and love of real women!
YouTube has the embed option disabled, but here's the link to her singing for as long as it lasts:
P.S. I heard her sing two songs now. Here she is talking and singing and getting a date on Larry King.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Chocolate, too!
Ready for it? Chocolate has been to outer space! YES! SPACE! CHOCOLATE IN SPACE! Seriously, what were the odds of that happening. Not that bad considering how much everyone loves chocolate, including astronauts.
My Twitter friend, the rocket scientist, Joe Williams, (yes, a real rocket scientist who knows rocket science) told me about chocolate's outer space adventures, and was then kind enough to send proof. Proof which I now share with all of you.
Chocolate, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm............
This should banish any lingering doubts about chocolate's universal appeal, don'tcha think?
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Chocolate. It's dark, velvety, smooth, and decadently delicious. Even slightly mysterious. It's been labeled a guilty pleasure. Today we know there is nothing to feel guilty about because chocolate is actually good for you! Can it get any better?
Chocolate. You can eat it as a desert. You can eat it as a snack. You can eat it when you're feeling down and it'll help your brain release endorphins so you'll feel better. You can pair it with other things, like ice cream or stir it into a pot of chili. You can drink it in milk, or in a liquor. You can make something spectacularly rich, eye-poppingly, complicated, or simply dip some fresh, plump, red, ripe strawberries into it. It can be frozen, heated, chipped, whipped, creamed, and stirred into any number of recipes. It's uses seem endless.
Chocolate. It even smells delicious. It's used in body washes, soaps, lotions, and perfumes. There's a chocolate strawberry truffle bubble bath that children should not be allowed to use. Why? Because it smells so wonderful, that even knowing it's bubble bath, it takes extraordinary will power not to lick the bubbles.
Chocolate. It's so highly prized, it's used for gift giving. It's been used as money, as medicine, as a divine energy drink, as well as for sculptures, fountains, and even clothing! But isn't the best just a small square of dark chocolate? With it's promise of mystery, of that velvety, meltingly delicious dark ride into smooth, rich, chocolaty, momentary oblivion.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Most all of these idiotic taxes should be outlawed!!!
Schedules A, B, C, D, E, F, H, J, and SE, forms 1040 to 9465, and then all the miscellaneous forms in between! And one form can have a 100 page instruction booklet! WTF?! And of course, all instructions are written in a specially designed, "You're Going To Find Yourself Way Too Confused To Understand This, Go Find Someone More Competent" tax lingo.
For instance, one minor detail amid a garbage heap of confusion, did you know about the earned income credit? You can get it if you've earned any income. Unless. Now you have to read and interpret the list of why you wouldn't qualify despite earning income.
Did you purchase an asset? If you did, and you take a 179, it could screw with your EIC. That's if you knew about, qualified for, and took said EIC.
Two Questions:
1) Have you finished your tax return yet?
2) Did you do it yourself?
Peace, love and good luck,
Thursday, April 2, 2009
The Telephone
Have a great day!
Peace, love and light,
Monday, March 23, 2009
Tweetle Dee and Tweetle Dumb
Have you ever had an argument or fight with someone, and said, or even done something you wish you could take back? Things can happen in a moment of anger. We've all heard stories about passionate loves and lost loves on myspace. We've heard of revenge blogs and retaliatory pictures posted on myspace. And it occurred to me, with myspace, you'd have to sign in, and upload the picture. You'd have to click 'edit' to write anything into your profile, or click the blog icon and post there. It takes at least a minute or two.
With Twitter, people can stay on and signed in 24/7. People can tweet anytime, anywhere, instantly. People can tweet from their mobile devices, Blackberries. Pictures can be loaded to Twit Pic with a click. Mental diarrhea can pour forth from the brain, down the arms, to the fingertips, onto the keyboard, to arrive on the Internet in a flash. Vengeful, knee jerk, angry reactions can suddenly spill over onto Twitter, unguarded and thoughtlessly, before you even have a chance to digest your reactions and think before tweeting.
Just as easily, things we think are funny can now instantly become fodder for the world. It's all to easy to say or do something for the sake of a laugh, (think of the President on Leno) and be sorry for it later. Or even immediately sorry. Twitter provides that same venue for letting the world in on a gaffe, some momentary brain fart, some idiotic faux paus, be it mildly distasteful, slightly more stupid, or horrifically nasty.
I guess, what I'm trying to say is, it's become too easy to hurt someones feelings, and on a much larger scale then just verbally responding to that someone. I guess what I'm trying to say, is let us all be careful of what we post, and about whom we Tweet.
We all remember the old adage, 'Think before you speak'; let us now apply it to this 21st century technology. 'Think before you Tweet'.
Peace, love and light,
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Bailouts or Bullshit?
Seriously, if I had a nice chunk of change, I assure you, I'd pay off any debt I had and I'd certainly be spending a lot more money than I am now. Isn't that the problem as defined by the government in the first place? Didn't WE get blamed for this problem? We, the people, got ourselves into debt and then stopped spending any money and that's what caused this problem. Didn't I hear somewhere that it's all our fault? The fault of all us little, average, everyman Americans? All the biggies failed without our little guy support? Isn't that what I heard? Did I not hear it right? It's OUR fault?
Answer: Well then, it seems ridiculously, fantastically obvious, at least to me, that if we created this problem, we should be the ones receiving said bailout money! This way we can undo the problem which we, the people, have created. We, the people can bail us all out of said problem. Once we have these 'bonuses' in OUR hands, we would create the perfect jump start to the economy . We'd be paying off loans and mortgages so the banks and lending institutions wouldn't fail. We'd be paying and spending and buying and investing and paying it all with all that lovely bail out money. Doesn't it seem that if the opposite situation created this problem, then this is the only real viable solution? I do.
Hey, Gov, pass a trillion dollars this way, thank you very much.
We, The People.
(OK, just me for now.)
PS: In case you don't know what one trillion dollars looks like, check it out.
Start with a$100 dollar bill.
This is a packet of one hundred $100 bills. It's less than 1/2" thick and contains $10,000.
This is $1 million dollars (100 packets of $10,000). You could carry it around in a grocery bag.
$100 million fits on a standard pallet.
And $1 BILLION dollars is quite a bit more, but look at the comparison of human to money.
Look at ONE TRILLION dollars. The bail out money the government is giving away is MORE that this! Can you even see the little human at the corner of the money? Realize that a trillion dollars is a million million. It's a thousand billion. It's a one followed by 12 zeros.
Notice these pallets are double stacked.
Are you shocked?
Do you want a piece of that?
Do you think if you got a piece of that, you could help start the economy moving?
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Twitter and UFO's and The Space Shuttle
"What?" you ask.
A UFO! Unidentified Flying Object.
Seems this was an unidentified, flying in outer space near the shuttle object, so the smart, quick, and ever resourceful astronauts on board the shuttle took some video of the unidentified object, and it's now on YouTube. Now, I realize there are an astronomical amount of UFO video's out there, but one taken from the shuttle? I don't know if there are many of those. I haven't investigated beyond watching this video and posting it here.
It's listed on YouTube as the 'Mar 17 2009 Nasa TV:STS-119 encounters big UFO' video. When I saw this video, I thought to myself, self, you should post this video on your blog to see if anyone else is actually interested enough to watch it. To see if anyone else finds this even remotely interesting. To see if anyone is interested enough to click 'interesting', or leave a comment, even. Self thought it was good idea, so here it is, along with a news article that was Tweeted with it.
UFO News Article ~
Now, did you watch it? What is your opinion? Do you even have an opinion? If you do, let us know by either clicking on one of the options, or leaving a comment.
Yeah, you!
(I'm still in that snarky mood... can you tell?)
Peace, love and light
Friday, March 20, 2009
More TV Show Stuff
Well, for crying out loud! What have they done to this show? Another bunch of lunatics sitting around a back room writing crap! Are they all high?
In case you're not familiar, Ghostwhisperer is a show about a woman who sees dead people. (Yeah, hard to believe, I know.) Anyway, the show had a great character ensemble that included Jim Clancy, the Ghostwhisperer's husband. Mostly, at first, this show was about seeing and helping ghosts. You know, ghostwhispering. The relationship between Melinda and her husband Jim was great, supportive, caring, and fun to watch and secondary to the main theme. That started to change after a few seasons, where they started making the relationship more prominent. At first it was good, but then they started having differences over whether or not to have a baby. What did that have to do with seeing ghosts? Nothing. Somehow writers thought this would be really interesting. Take a great relationship, with well loved characters, and give them some problems that would change the theme of the show. They even had to bring on board another 'ghostwhisperer' to take over the theme so they could focus on Melinda and Jim's problems.
Well, to add to those problems, they decided to kill off Jim. Take a beloved character, that added great depth and love to the show, and kill him off! Everyone who watched the show, as far as I could tell, HATED that he was killed. But, not to worry, this show is about ghosts, so what did they do? They decided to have Jim, now a ghost, 'jump' into the body of someone who had just died. That would be Sam.
So, Sam suddenly wakes up on the gurney where he's been pronounced dead. We all know it's not really Sam, but Jim in there, follow? But Jim, now called a 'step-in', has amnesia. So now the main theme of the show revolves around Melinda getting Sam/Jim to remember being Jim and not Sam. Poor Sam/Jim doesn't remember his Sam family or life, nor his Jim life. Meanwhile, we keep seeing the same actor who plays Jim, playing Sam/Jim, except in reflections. You know, like a car window, a mirror, anything shiny. In those places we see another actor playing the role of Sam's body. The body Jim 'stepped' into.
Last week, while trying to rescue Melinda, Sam/Jim almost drowns, has a 'life flashes before your eyes' moment, and suddenly remembers he's Jim. He remembers it so well that when Melinda calls him 'Sam', he has to ask why. She realizes he finally remembers being Jim and hugs, kisses, tears, and laughter ensue.
Well, they're so happy to be re-united, that all it takes is a mirror, a small yell of shock from Sam/Jim (which we hear but don't see) and all is well. Everyone is laughing, smiling and thrilled about how romantic it is to have Jim back. Everyone except me.
He's not Jim. He's Sam/Jim. And how is it romantic to find yourself loving a ghost in someone else's body? And how do they explain this to Sam's family? Does anyone think it's romantic for Sam's family to not know that their son and brother is dead. How is it romantic to have Jim walking around in someone else's dead body? I'm not finding any of this romantic. I'm finding it a bit gross. I'm even finding it a bit horrific. I'm even finding it hard to think about watching the show anymore, knowing they've decided it's a great idea to have a beloved character gone, but not forgotten because he's walking around in someone else's dead body. Isn't that like body snatching? One step up from grave robbing; call it 'gurney robbing'? I'm completely creeped out and coming from me, that's saying a lot!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Burn(ing) Notice
WHY can't Burn Notice be a weekly show throughout the year???? I mean seriously, a couple of shows in the winter, then back to waiting. A couple of shows in the summer, then back to waiting. WHY? Seriously, who's in charge of this programming schedule? Are you insane? Seriously.
This show is great. It's about a spy (Jeffrey Donvan) who got burned. He's worked loyally and successfully for our country until being burned. Now, with his identity taken from him, he's stuck in Miami trying to find out who burned him while not getting himself killed. And he balances his own problems with helping desperate people solve some really unusual, and usually unsolvable problems in a way that only a spy with a repertoire of awesome knowledge and experience can. The supporting cast (including Gabrielle Anwar, Bruce Campbell, and Sharon Gless) are all awesome! And this past week was yet ANOTHER SEASON FINALE! Come on! It just started! So now we have to wait 4 months before seeing another new show? I want more NOW! I am (along with a lot of other people) suffering some severe withdrawal (in case you couldn't tell)!
Meanwhile, every time I turn on the TV I can't avoid seeing this show called House. House? Really? A show about a rude, incompetent, drug addicted doctor, who consistently misdiagnoses his patients to the point of death, before accidentally stumbling upon the real problem and way to save said patient. Yeah. That's the doc I'd want. NOT.
Here's a thought. Replace every House show with a Burn Notice. Maybe it's just me, but I would WAY rather watch an exciting, action/adventure show about a good guy helping out the underdog, rather than a nasty, drug addict doctor nearly killing every patient. We are the viewers, shouldn't we have a say in the programming?
And in case you've been off world and are unfamiliar with the show, here's a link: Burn Notice
Note to the programming powers that be on USA: Give us more Burn Notice. And give us more NEW Burn Notice!
What are your thoughts? Do you agree? Disagree? What's your favorite show? Let me know!