Tuesday, July 7, 2009

How Can You Want For Something You Have?

Want. Do you want something? How many of us want something? Different things, but don't we all, at some point or another, want something? And what do you do when you want something? You start thinking about how you want it, how you want to get it, or how you don't have it yet, but you're going to get it. Or how you're going to achieve it. Or how you are going to manifest it. You may start waiting for it.

And there-in lies the rub. If you want something, or you are thinking how you are going to get something, then you don't have it. If you don't have it, but you want it, and you keep on wanting it, you still won't have it. The longer you want it, the longer you won't have it. Seriously, it's almost too simple. If you have something, do you still want to get it? Of course not! If you have it, you have it. You don't long for something, or want to get something if you already have that something. How can you want to get what you already have?

And maybe that's the answer. According to the latest scientific research in quantum physics, everything already exists. It exists as waves of possibility all around us. At some point, consciousness seems to collapse those waves into particles of reality. That means everything is already there. We already have everything.

If everything already exists, so does wanting something exist. If your consciousness focuses on wanting something, instead of appreciating the having that something, then you're manifesting the want while keeping away the something.

Emotions seem to play a part as well. Longing, wanting, gratitude, appreciate, sadness, fear, joy, contentment, awe, happiness.... they all play a part in manifesting those waves of possibility into the reality we experience. Science seems to be in the kindergarten stage of understanding this, but it does look like we are all poised on the brink of another paradigm shift. Time to get our toes wet.

So, knowing you already have it, what do you want?

Yes, it's a trick question. ;D

Peace, love and light,

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