Sunday, February 21, 2010

It's A Cycle

My sister-in-law regularly posts on FB about her struggle with waking up WAY too early, like 3 and 4 AM. One of our cousins kindly explained it's her age. Could this actually be a life cycle?

Birth = Sleep between feedings all day and all night.

Childhood = Sleep at night, awake most of the day.

Teens - 20's = Awake all night, awake most of the day, sleep occasionally.

30's - 40's= Back to sleep at night, awake most of the day.

40's - 50's = Sleep at night, but start waking effortlessly at the crack of dawn.

50's - 60's = Start falling asleep while it's still light out, and waking while it's still dark out.

60's -70's = Back to awake at night, sleep at any other opportune moment.

70's -80's = Sleep from after lunch straight though to dusk, awake all night.

80's + = Back to the beginning, sleep between feedings all day and all night.

Like any cycle, there are bound to be exceptions.... but there does seem to be a pattern.

Peace, love and healthy sleep,

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Open Invoice To Tiger Woods

Dear Tiger:
I heard about your televised apology to everyone, although luckily I was able to miss the live broadcast. Sadly, your oral apology has done nothing for me. However, apologizing by sending me large amounts of cash will go a long way in assuaging my tattered feelings over your horrifying indiscretions.
If you do not intend to do right by literally paying for what you've done, then get off my TV!

Invoice to Tiger:
Well, I checked, and you're still clogging up my viewing pleasure. Therefore, having received no financial apology from you, I am submitting this invoice in the amount of $1,000,000 (a pittance considering how terribly I've been wronged) because of the torture to which I have been subjected in the form of ENDLESS reports of your unbeneficial oral apology splashing your tiresome face on my personal TV screen causing me further, severe emotional and mental damage.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

TV Time

Yes, it's that time again. The new season brings back some old familiar shows and some new shows.

Most importantly, of course, Burn Notice is back. Thank goodness! Just eat your blueberry yogurt and feel the BURN! It's so great to have a show that gets better with each passing season.

Survivor is back for season 20 with a new gimmick. Villains VS. Heroes. Dang... who to root for, who to root for. I liked Sugar, but she got voted out first! How mean! I guess I'll have to root for Rupert. How can anyone not root for that hairy smile... lol!

And then American Idol has started again. Tonight will be the individual singers singing for their place in the top 24. There are some amazing talents this year again, and it's fun to see them grow with the show.

Oh, and then there's a new show. Human Target. Somewhere it was described as '007 on steroids'. Very apt! Love, love, loving this one! Mark Valley and crew solve problems that are pretty much unsolvable. Sounds a bit like BN, right? In a way, perhaps... but it's completely different, too. Refreshingly different and fun to watch. Tomorrow night, right before AI. Have fun!!!

Peace, love, and flickering TV lights,

Monday, February 1, 2010

Thoughts On The Grammys

Did you watch the Grammys Last Night? Are you able to keep from commenting on some of the costumes? Or the acts? I send love out to everyone. I try not to judge, but if you're showing up at awards shows and have made an effort to be judged, it's fair game. So, here are some of my reactions, and thoughtful advice.

For instance, since when is dressing in things, not clothing, called 'art'? It's not an 'art''s a music awards show. Wear something musical, not something indescribable. Case in point, as always, Lady GaGa. And did Armani really design that for her? With a huge rise in the 'hem' line in front that forces people to literally 'look up her dress'? At least pretend to be embarrassed that people are looking up your hoohah.

JLo: I didn't see the whole outfit, but the part I did see looked like she was stuffed into a sausage casing with a sparkly ribbon stuck to the front. Let the dress caress you, not boa constrict you!

Pink: Loved, loved, LOVED her dress; my fav of the night. And her act was stunning! Though if I was her mother I might not have survived watching her do that without a safety harness.

Nicole Kidman: Is she just freakishly tall, or does she simply fall for hobbit sized men? And why dress up like the little man's nanny? Sorry... she just seemed to come off that way. Maybe lose the heels?

Beyonce: The dress in which she arrived was gorgeous. Then she did an act with a dress that looked to made from floor tile samples. Chalk it up to the fact she was performing, but still, floor tile samples?

Rhianna: Why wear a dress that deliberately makes your hips look bigger? Keep it on the curtain rod.

Fergie: Was that dress from the set of 'Sex Trek Does The Grammys'? A little out there, but still fun.

Ryan Seacrest tweeted : britney just ran by with an entourage of 100...#grammys

Apparently she needs to be kept from interacting with humans. Understandable since she showed up in her grandmothers swimsuit and a see-through cover up. Sadly, it didn't cover up. Britney, fire whoever told you you looked good.

The tribute to MJ: Not bad. Not great. Should have been better.

The Jacksons have started a new reality show in the wake of MJ's death. Why now? Because they're already in the news so the timings perfect? And now that he's not here to keep his kids out of the public eye, it almost seems as though his family is pimping them out. And the public is obviously going to eat it up, judging by the gripping, tension ridden, hush that fell over the boisterous crowd as the kids spoke. MJ might be rolling over on the other side.

Peace, love and Grammy Lights!