Friday, December 12, 2008

Caylee Anthony

Yesterday the remains of a small child were found only 15 houses down the street from the Anthony home. They believe it's little Caylee. In my humble opinion, Casey Anthony has already proved that this is indeed her daughter Caylee, and has also proved that she's the one who placed her body in that spot.

How do I come to this conclusion? First, back when that small bag of little toys and what they thought might be little bones (which later proved to be pebbles) was found in the Little Econ River, those who observed Casey in the jail said that she watched this discovery on television, then turned and calmly walked back to her room. Unemotional. Unconcerned. Unaffected. People questioned how she could be so cold.

Last night it was reported on television that those who observed Casey in jail said she was so distraught over hearing about this discovery that she had to be medicated.

My question: How did Casey Anthony know before anyone else, which bag, which discovery, to become upset over and which to ignore? If she truly didn't know where her daughter was, wouldn't she have become just as upset during the first discovery? Wouldn't she have become just as hysterical thinking they'd found Caylee's remains then? But she didn't. She just calmly walked back to her room. She knew.

And she knew what had been found yesterday, which is why she was so upset that she needed to be medicated.

May the little girl now rest in peace.

Peace, love and light,

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