Saturday, March 21, 2009

Twitter and UFO's and The Space Shuttle

As usual, I got up this morning, brewed my tea, and headed for my email and Twitter. Twitter is a very interesting phenomenon, and if you don't know what it is, click my Twitter link and discover something cool. However, I'm not posting this to teach about Twitter. I'm posting this because of someone else's Tweet. Apparently the Space Shuttle has taken video of a UFO.

"What?" you ask.

A UFO! Unidentified Flying Object.

Seems this was an unidentified, flying in outer space near the shuttle object, so the smart, quick, and ever resourceful astronauts on board the shuttle took some video of the unidentified object, and it's now on YouTube. Now, I realize there are an astronomical amount of UFO video's out there, but one taken from the shuttle? I don't know if there are many of those. I haven't investigated beyond watching this video and posting it here.

It's listed on YouTube as the 'Mar 17 2009 Nasa TV:STS-119 encounters big UFO' video. When I saw this video, I thought to myself, self, you should post this video on your blog to see if anyone else is actually interested enough to watch it. To see if anyone else finds this even remotely interesting. To see if anyone is interested enough to click 'interesting', or leave a comment, even. Self thought it was good idea, so here it is, along with a news article that was Tweeted with it.

UFO News Article ~

Now, did you watch it? What is your opinion? Do you even have an opinion? If you do, let us know by either clicking on one of the options, or leaving a comment.

Yeah, you!

(I'm still in that snarky mood... can you tell?)

Peace, love and light

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