Friday, April 3, 2009


The problem with income tax is that it's so dang hard to understand. We need businesses with trained professionals to help people figure it out. Why? It's ridiculous. How did this country get their people to the point of paying so much tax on so many different types of stuff?

Most all of these idiotic taxes should be outlawed!!!

Schedules A, B, C, D, E, F, H, J, and SE, forms 1040 to 9465, and then all the miscellaneous forms in between! And one form can have a 100 page instruction booklet! WTF?! And of course, all instructions are written in a specially designed, "You're Going To Find Yourself Way Too Confused To Understand This, Go Find Someone More Competent" tax lingo.

For instance, one minor detail amid a garbage heap of confusion, did you know about the earned income credit? You can get it if you've earned any income. Unless. Now you have to read and interpret the list of why you wouldn't qualify despite earning income.

Did you purchase an asset? If you did, and you take a 179, it could screw with your EIC. That's if you knew about, qualified for, and took said EIC.

Two Questions:

1) Have you finished your tax return yet?
2) Did you do it yourself?

Peace, love and good luck,

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